Character profile – Aurora



One of the main concepts of the short film is that there are two characters played by the same actress who is called Aurora, in this post I want to discuss why we have used the same actress to portray this and what has inspired us to do so.

What inspired this if I’m honest is parent trap, I know its a kid film and its a blockbuster and blah blah blah but the film offers up some concepts which have changed the way I think and perceive films as it was one of the few films I watched as a child and I was truly engaged into why didn’t I know Lindsey Lohan had a twin until it hit me that there were such things as special effects (I was a slow learner).

The reason this has inspired my own short film is not only that the characters are played by the same person but the effects are done in such a way that you would never know she didn’t have a twin.Image result for behind the scenes of parent trap Erin Mackey


These photos are just so realistic that  I cant wrap my head around that they are not twins its the same person. its this realism that I want to add to my short film.



Who is going to play Aurora I hear you ask…


there are honest reasons as to why we have chosen myself to play the character. It’s mainly for practicality as we know we can rely on myself to be there and be fully engaged with how the production turns out. We also have the mise-en-scene like costumes to fit myself and so forth. Also i have a fair bit of acting experience within films that i have made such as the GCSE music video and the AS preliminary we decided to stick with tradition and use me.

The only down side to this is that I want have participation within the camera work but me being me (controlling B*tch) we will decide on the shots before we film and discuss the cinematography and then I shall act and Brittany shall film.

if you are wondering what I look like here you go…


I’m not vain promise

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