Character Aurora

The inspiration for the character Aurora and the way we have decided to act in the film, is mainly based on our own personalities rather than channelling a character created by another writer.

However to place our character in a genre, I would say Aurora fitted into the indie section, her personality is independent from the rest.

The name of our Character stems from sleeping beauty, as old fairy tales are our ideals of perfection so if we take the name of a so called ‘perfect’ princess and pin it to a ‘unperfected’ character the meanings changes to hold a character_princess_aurora_52a72304.jpgdarker sense, its almost ironic. The other meaning of Aurora is that it is the dawn, the new beginning and in our short film Ophelia dying is Auroras new beginning whether she wanted it or not.

Aurora – A young teenage girl around the age of 16-17, her personality traits were mostly connected by how Ophelia acts, Aurora feels lost and as though her personality had left when Ophelia died.

Actress  – Tamsin ( Me)IMG_9644.JPG

Reasons – the difficulty at our age is to find people who have enough free time to help record our film, learn the lines and accurately portray what we are trying to say, to cut out the middle man and help save time we decided to go with one of ourselves, as the lines are memorized due to us writing it, and we have the time as it is our own short film. Also I have acted before in our other productions so we know this is a tried and test method rather than taking a chance on one of our friends who may pull out further down the line with Aurora being the main character.

The difficult with me being the actress is that I am not behind the camera, however as we have previously discussed the shots, how we want the lighting to be, ( and I make Brittany take a picture of the shot before we record so I know how the mise-en-scene looks from the angles chosen).



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