Initial ideas


19geftz5r8dwfpngIn my previous research I talked about an artist called Nicholas Bruno who explores his idea of sleep paralysis, I’ve always resonated with dreams and had a keen interest into the dream world due to my own vivid imagination.

I don’t think I’ve ever been stuck for an idea, as crazy as this sounds my dreams are often like films, sometimes an exact replicate of a film I’ve previously watched. Although I have never experienced sleep paralysis I often lucid sleep and choose the outcomes of my dreams and what occurs In my dreams so I can understand the element of being awake whilst within a dream.

Dreams are difficult to explain to someone else as they will have a different vision within their heads than you do, the only way we can really explain to someone what our dreams look like is through visual imagery.

I know I always sound crazy when I first explain my idea so I will try to put it simply…

We all see the world through a different lens perhaps with a different tint or perspective. The  Iris Masquerade explores the perception within different people. The introductory of  the short Classic-Narrative-Arcfilm will start at a high point of the narrative arc and dramatically drop to build back up to the same point.  As I said before its difficult to describe the imagery within my head but I’m going to have to try and put it in to words.

The picture I have placed here shows the climax than falling action to the resolution ours will be of a similar type but it will build up again to the same climax leaving out the resolution which we typically see in a narrative arc.

Imagine a corridor whilst we track the girl in the middle as the camera tracks the girl we will see POV shots from her perspective of how she perceives the world from her POV we will see almost demonic eyes with fast cuts between the people passing her, the camera will again track her this time going into a quick zoom into her eye which brings us into the next  scene of the girl chained to a bed in the middle of a forest unable to move whilst screaming, we then plan on having a graphic match which brings us into the bedroom of the girl where we begin to explore the sleep paralysis aspect. I don’t want to give much more away at this point but I think you can begin to see the crazy ideas formulated in my head.

Personally I’ve always viewed films and the creation of films as an art form, the representation of each shot is carefully thought out and considered, this is something I want to carry across into the creation of my short film. Composition, camera angle and mise-en-scene can be crucial to how we view the film and the way our audience perceive the film.

at this point the creation of the short film is in its earliest stages but this doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t explore different ideas and avenues about what the short film will look like, I’m sure as time goes on the film idea will evolve and be more refined but for now this is the idea.

We gained the inspiration of the demonic eyes or the black eyes from a trailer called the exorcism of Emily rose if you would like you can skip to 1.11 on the clip to view what we would hope to create.

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