Voiceover – First Draft Recording

Today we did a practice run of the voiceover to see how we wanted it to sound, originally we was going to use the boom microphone, but when arriving at the music room we saw that they had a proper recording microphone and opted to use that instead.

IMG_2270.JPGWe practise the different tones that we want in the film, how we want the voiceover to sound and just practice speaking through it, it went okay however the recording was quiet so that is definitely something to improve on.

Another things we figured out was that I can convey emotion much better when listening to music, the only problem is I struggle to read out loud wIMG_2269.jpghich is something I am improving and getting better at with each try of reading through.

Although I haven’t add in the recording of the voice over yet I shall do at a later date with a full reading through rather than our clumsy practices.


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